First Name | MI | Last Name | Hire Date | Title | Dept | Full CY Wages | Yearly data set | Partial wages (2015 only) | Status (Multiletter - 2015 only) | Active/Inactive (2015 only) | Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only) | Salary (FY2016 only) |
STEPHANIE | G | SCOTT | 07/01/2010 | OUTREACH WORKER | Department Of Health | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $22,153.59 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JEAN | M | SEXTON | 12/06/2010 | HUMAN SERVICES ASSISTANT | Department Of Health | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $26,633.21 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
IRINA | SHAMIS | 09/04/2012 | HUMAN SERVICES ASSOCIATE | Department Of Aging | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $26,606.47 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
DONALD | SHAULL | 11/13/2012 | RENTAL SUBSIDY HOUSING INSPECTOR I | Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $29,276.69 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
ORRESTER | SHAW | 12/15/2010 | SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE | Office Of County Executive | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $42,740.97 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
BRYAN | E | SHEPPARD | 04/28/1997 | SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE | Office Of County Executive | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $52,613.67 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MICHAEL | J | SHEPPARD | 03/02/2009 | SENIOR SYSTEMS ENGINEER | Ofc Of Information Technology | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $57,646.83 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
WILBUR | SHERD | 08/27/2012 | PROPERTY MANAGER | Property Management | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $56,283.04 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
TERRENCE | B | SHERIDAN | 09/16/2013 | PROPERTY MANAGER | Property Management | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $34,890.24 | PT4 | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
DEBRA | D | SHINDLE | 01/22/2001 | ASSISTANT COUNTY PROPERTY MANAGER | Property Management | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $58,056.75 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
BRIANA | K | SHIREY | 02/01/2015 | FAMILY SOCIAL WORKER | Circuit Court | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $25,028.62 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MICHAEL | D | SHORT | 04/07/2008 | PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER | Office Of Budget And Finance | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $23,210.30 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
CAROLE | J | SHUPE | 01/31/2011 | OFFICE ASSISTANT | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $21,774.44 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
CHRISTINA | M | SIERRA | 06/08/2015 | OUTREACH WORKER | Department Of Health | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $5,345.12 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
LARRY | C | SIMMONS | 01/10/2011 | SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE | Office Of County Executive | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $52,618.46 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |