First Name | MI | Last Name | Hire Date | Title | Dept | Full CY Wages | Yearly data set | Partial wages (2015 only) | Status (Multiletter - 2015 only) | Active/Inactive (2015 only) | Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only) | Salary (FY2016 only) |
LINDA | D | WORKINGER | 07/26/2004 | NUTRITION FIELD SUPERVISOR | Department Of Aging | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $27,389.30 | PT4 | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
LINDA | D | WORKINGER | 07/26/2004 | ACCOUNT CLERK III | Office Of Budget And Finance | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $27,389.30 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MARK | J | WORDEN | 03/19/1994 | CORPORAL | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $66,834.03 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JOHN | R | WORDEN | 08/12/1985 | HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAM MANAGER | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $59,239.12 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JONATHAN | B | WOOTAN | 06/09/2007 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $50,668.44 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JOSHUA | WOOLSEY | 08/25/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Department Of Health | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $9,145.48 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
JUSTIN | J | WOODWARD | 06/09/2007 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $49,293.65 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KYLE | J | WOODWARD | 12/05/1998 | CORPORAL | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $75,115.36 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JONATHAN | X | WOODS | 07/07/2014 | CORRECTIONAL OFFICER (40 HOURS) | Department Of Corrections | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $36,081.93 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MINDY | M | WOODS | 07/19/1999 | SA PARALEGAL | State's Attorney | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $35,824.96 | FTNM | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
AMY | S | WOODS | 08/06/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $2,747.50 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
PAUL | D | WOODRING | 04/29/2013 | PUMPING STATION MECHANIC II | Public Works | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $24,716.05 | MERIT | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MICHAEL | W | WOODLON | 07/16/2012 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $40,815.81 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
LENA | A | WOODLEY-LEE | 03/16/2015 | TRAFFIC GUARD | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $1,939.36 | PT1 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
BRIAN | S | WOODLEY | 04/06/2013 | EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN/FIREFIGHTER | Fire Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $30,674.78 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |