Popular searches: Sorted by FY2016 salary Sorted by partial 2015 wages

Baltimore County employee pay database

Results of your query:
1 ... 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 ... 3,803
First NameMILast NameHire DateTitleDeptFull CY WagesYearly data setPartial wages (2015 only)Status (Multiletter - 2015 only)Active/Inactive (2015 only)Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only)Salary (FY2016 only)
WILLIAMGKURTZ2008-04-15PUBLIC WORKS TECHNICIAN IV (OPTIONS)PUBLIC WORKSNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$46,966.40
BRIDGETAKURZAWSKI2008-11-18TRAFFIC GUARDPOLICENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
10-17 hours / week$6,515.60
CAREYAKUS1996-12-07POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASSPOLICENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$83,641.00
LAURIEJKUTRICK2003-09-15EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANFIRENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$59,120.00
JEFFREYLKYGER1985-03-04POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASSPOLICENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$99,027.00
LANASKYGER2002-07-01STORES MANAGER (40 HOURS)PUBLIC WORKSNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$49,047.00
DEUNKADKYLE2005-07-13ACCOUNT CLERK IIHEALTHNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$40,857.00
WILLIAMAKYLE1997-02-18PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTERFIRENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$80,315.00
VARVARAZKYMBRITI2009-11-30EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING COUNSELORWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENTNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
30-34 hours / week$43,669.60
JAMESDLABOARD2002-10-28POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASSPOLICENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$73,865.00
MICHAELALACEY2004-05-24PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUNDS MAINTENANCEPROPERTY MANAGEMENTNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$40,747.20
MICHAELRLACHANCE2013-01-15SENIOR AFFAIRS ASSOC IIAGINGNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
30-34 hours / week$52,138.32
STANLEYJLACIENSKI2014-08-11HUMAN SERVICES ASSOCIATEPOLICENot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
30-34 hours / week$45,649.76
MARY LOULADER2008-02-11SENIOR CLAIMS ADJUSTERHUMAN RESOURCESNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
Full Time - Merit System Employee$98,573.00
WILLIAMLLADER JR2014-06-02MANAGEMENT ANALYST IHEALTHNot present in this year's data setFY16 Employee SalariesNot present in this year's data setNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
30-34 hours / week$45,649.76
Click a row above to view additional details (javascript required).
1 ... 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 ... 3,803

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Use this form to search for employee information from multiple years of salary and compensation data for public employees. These rows include data from both fiscal-year and calendar-year tabulations, which include different columns, so we urge a cautious approach when making any comparisons between rows. Specifically, these rows were released to The Sun as a series of sheets in an Excel file, corresponding with tabulations of calendar-year pay (for calendar years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and partial 2015) and (for 2016) fiscal-year employee salaries. To select a specific year, use the dropdown menu below. This database does not include school district salaries.
Related story: Police chief is top earner in Baltimore County government
First Name:

Middle Initial:

Last Name:

Hire Date:



Range for "Full CY Wages":
(-$1 to $218,462, rounded outward)

Range for "Partial wages (2015 only)":
(-$1 to $472,383, rounded outward)

Range for "Salary (FY2016 only)":
(-$1 to $230,448, rounded outward)


View salary archives Source: Baltimore County

See request language for additional background/details.