First Name | MI | Last Name | Hire Date | Title | Dept | Full CY Wages | Yearly data set | Partial wages (2015 only) | Status (Multiletter - 2015 only) | Active/Inactive (2015 only) | Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only) | Salary (FY2016 only) |
CAITLIN | R | ROGERS | 10/01/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $540.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JONATHAN | P | RONNING | 09/16/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $3,694.82 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JOEL | J | RONNING | 09/08/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $3,844.69 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JARED | L | RONNING | 07/20/2012 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $4,196.15 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
LINDA | M | ROPKA | 04/30/2001 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $5,662.54 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MARIA | F | ROSIER | 10/06/2005 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $11,260.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JENNIFER | ROSS | 11/14/2007 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $5,857.50 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
TRICIA | A | ROTHLINGSHOFER | 02/16/2006 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $63,038.58 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
TRICIA | A | ROTHLINGSHOFER | 07/05/2005 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $63,038.58 | MONTH | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JESSICA | ROUCHARD | 06/23/2008 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $3,567.00 | MONTH | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
KATHLEEN | H | ROUTH | 06/04/2013 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $7,140.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
DARIA | M | ROVINSKI | 05/24/2013 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Department Of Aging | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $922.50 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
ALFRED | W | ROWLAND | 11/23/2005 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $6,707.87 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MIKA | ROYSTER | 09/19/2008 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $2,870.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
GLORIA | R | ROYSTER | 08/11/1999 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $6,566.32 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |