Popular searches: Sorted by FY2016 salary Sorted by partial 2015 wages

Baltimore County employee pay database

Results of your query:
1 ... 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 ... 3,803
First NameMILast NameHire DateTitleDeptFull CY WagesYearly data setPartial wages (2015 only)Status (Multiletter - 2015 only)Active/Inactive (2015 only)Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only)Salary (FY2016 only)
SVETLANAGDYUBANOV03/11/2002HUMAN SERVICES ASSOCIATEDepartment Of AgingNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$31,832.69PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
DONNASEADS06/24/2013PERSONNEL ASSOCIATE (TEMP)Office Of Human ResourcesNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$27,641.12PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
KARENREDSELL07/27/2009GRANTS MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTCommunity Development GrantsNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$37,015.72PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
DEWAYNEKEDWARDS09/16/2013ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE IIIDept Of Environmental Protection and SustainabilityNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$29,068.03PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
KERRYDEHATT06/24/2013LABORER (PART-TIME)Property ManagementNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$19,924.86PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
SUSANVEHMAN06/01/2004APPOINTMENT SECRETARYOffice Of County ExecutiveNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$42,752.55PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
CHARLESWEICHOLZ06/06/2015ANIMAL SERVICES VOLUNTEER COORDINATORDepartment Of HealthNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$8,336.06PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
BETH ANNREIFERT07/15/2013OFFICE ASSISTANTWorkforce DevelopmentNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$25,545.83PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
VIRGINIAAELLIOTT02/28/1995RECREATION & PARKS ADMINISTRATIVE AIDEDept Of Recreation & ParksNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$22,985.63PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
JUDITHAELLIOTT01/23/2012ENERGY ASSISTANCE TECHNICIANDepartment Of Social ServicesNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$17,824.49PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
TIJUANADELLIOTT07/18/1988RENTAL SUBSIDY SPECIALIST IHousing OfficeNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$31,409.10PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
REBECCAELLIS11/05/2007HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOROffice Of Budget And FinanceNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$67,367.32PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
JESSICADELLIS08/21/2006HUMAN SERVICES ASSISTANTDepartment Of HealthNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$26,793.00PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
BARBARAAELY02/05/1996MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT PART TIMEPolice DepartmentNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$45,549.87PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
LA SHAWNCEPPS01/11/2011OFFICE CLERKDepartment Of Social ServicesNot present in this year's data setGross Pay 2015 - Partial$21,860.41PT49-Active HourlyNot present in this year's
data set
Not present in this year's
data set
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1 ... 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 ... 3,803

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Use this form to search for employee information from multiple years of salary and compensation data for public employees. These rows include data from both fiscal-year and calendar-year tabulations, which include different columns, so we urge a cautious approach when making any comparisons between rows. Specifically, these rows were released to The Sun as a series of sheets in an Excel file, corresponding with tabulations of calendar-year pay (for calendar years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and partial 2015) and (for 2016) fiscal-year employee salaries. To select a specific year, use the dropdown menu below. This database does not include school district salaries.
Related story: Police chief is top earner in Baltimore County government
First Name:

Middle Initial:

Last Name:

Hire Date:



Range for "Full CY Wages":
(-$1 to $218,462, rounded outward)

Range for "Partial wages (2015 only)":
(-$1 to $472,383, rounded outward)

Range for "Salary (FY2016 only)":
(-$1 to $230,448, rounded outward)


View salary archives Source: Baltimore County

See request language for additional background/details.