First Name | MI | Last Name | Hire Date | Title | Dept | Full CY Wages | Yearly data set | Partial wages (2015 only) | Status (Multiletter - 2015 only) | Active/Inactive (2015 only) | Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only) | Salary (FY2016 only) |
TRAVIS | M | OVER | 02/24/2014 | PARAMEDIC | Fire Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $36,800.48 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MARK | I | OVCHAREK | 04/12/2010 | OFFICE CLERK | Bd Of Elections Supervisors | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $17,668.62 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KAREN | E | OUTLAW | 09/03/2010 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Bd Of Elections Supervisors | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $57,145.94 | MONTH | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KAREN | E | OUTLAW | 02/24/1986 | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER | Ofc Of Information Technology | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $57,145.94 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
DONALD | C | OUTEN | 09/28/1987 | NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER | Dept Of Environmental Protection and Sustainability | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $62,938.83 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
GEORGE | A | OURSLER | 06/07/1997 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $58,551.94 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
PAUL | J | OSWALD | 12/20/1995 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $59,304.36 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KEVIN | J | OSTROWSKI | 02/23/2005 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $846.21 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
DONALD | K | OSSMUS | 06/04/1994 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $63,218.72 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JACOB | OSSIE | 05/09/2015 | LIFEGUARD ATTENDANT | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $4,764.20 | SEASN | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set | |
KEITH | G | OSMAN | 06/09/1994 | PUMPING STATION MECHANIC I | Public Works | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $30,708.80 | MERIT | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
ERIN | A | OSBORNE | 05/23/2005 | ASSISTANT STATES ATTORNEY II | State's Attorney | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $42,918.65 | FTNM | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KAILA | K | OSBORNE | 04/02/2012 | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN I (40 HOURS) | Emergency Communications Center | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $25,734.13 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JAMES | R | OSBORNE | 12/29/2010 | SENIOR COUNCIL ASSISTANT | County Council | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $49,497.75 | FTNM | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
YOKO | OSAKI | 01/13/2015 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $930.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |