First Name | MI | Last Name | Hire Date | Title | Dept | Full CY Wages | Yearly data set | Partial wages (2015 only) | Status (Multiletter - 2015 only) | Active/Inactive (2015 only) | Status (Single-letter - FY2016 salaries only) | Salary (FY2016 only) |
CHRISTOPHER | E | CHIODI | 12/05/1998 | POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $55,246.09 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MARGARITA | J | CHIUSANO | 07/01/2014 | POLICE OFFICER | Police Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $34,780.27 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
MAXWELL | T | CHLADA | 06/08/2015 | SUMMER EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Environmental Protection and Sustainability | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $2,584.00 | SEASN | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JOSEPH | R | CHMURA | 03/24/1997 | ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE II | Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $32,769.57 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
RAYMOND | A | CHOJNOWSKI | 06/25/2007 | TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT TECH II | Public Works | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $37,590.67 | MERIT | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
REBECCA | A | CHONA | 01/23/2001 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $6,726.08 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
SUNDEEP | S | CHONA | 06/27/2014 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $1,727.63 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KOREN | F | CHOPPER | 02/04/2013 | ACTIVITY COORDINATOR | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $13,252.83 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
KOREN | F | CHOPPER | 02/04/2013 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $13,252.83 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
HASHEM | S | CHOUDHRY | 03/27/2013 | MONTHLY EMPLOYEE | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $1,420.00 | MONTH | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
FRANCIS | R | CHRISMER | 12/12/1974 | DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $9,350.00 | MERIT | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
FRANCIS | R | CHRISMER | 03/16/2015 | RECREATION COMMUNITY SUPERVISOR (TEMP) | Dept Of Recreation & Parks | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $9,350.00 | PT4 | 7-Terminated | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
PHILBERT | E | CHRISTIAN | 08/04/2014 | ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II | Department Of Health | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $31,582.05 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
JERE | N | CHRISTIAN | 07/26/2004 | FIRE SPECIALIST | Fire Department | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $44,247.19 | MERIT | 1-Active Salary | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |
CARMEN | F | CHRISTIANA | 12/13/2010 | CONSTITUENT SERVICES ASSISTANT | Office Of County Executive | Not present in this year's data set | Gross Pay 2015 - Partial | $42,752.56 | PT4 | 9-Active Hourly | Not present in this year's data set | Not present in this year's data set |