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Baltimore salary database: 2015 city employees

Results of your query:
1 ... 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 ... 935
NameJob TitleAgency IDAgencyHire DateAnnual SalaryGross PayPay Beyond Salary
Rogers, Todd JEMT Firefighter SuppressionA64121Fire Department (121)2006-03-21$64,365.00$72,523.24$8,158.24
Fleming, Jeffrey LLIAISON OFFICER IA49101TRANS-Highways (101)2005-12-15$53,105.00$61,258.41$8,153.41
Eid, John FFire Captain Suppression ALSA64203Fire Department (203)1998-02-19$91,367.00$99,519.80$8,152.80
Weber, Joseph TFirefighter SuppressionA64227Fire Department (227)1996-08-19$68,825.00$76,977.60$8,152.60
Davis, Dorothy CWaste Water Tech Supv II SanitA50207DPW-Water & Waste Water (207)1985-03-11$62,075.00$70,226.73$8,151.73
Briggs, Kenneth WUTILITY METER READER IIA50804DPW-Water & Waste Water (804)1985-11-18$42,141.00$50,292.55$8,151.55
Grace Jr, Floyd PSOLID WASTE DRIVERB70411DPW-Solid Waste (wkly) (411)2004-11-01$35,880.00$44,027.30$8,147.30
Wilson, NathaliePUBLIC HEALTH REPRESENTATIVEA65026HLTH-Health Department (026)2009-09-17$45,563.00$53,707.30$8,144.30
Perry, Brent KPOLICE OFFICERA99223Police Department (223)2008-08-20$63,004.00$71,147.92$8,143.92
Upham, Courtney MPOLICE OFFICERA99262Police Department (262)2012-04-17$55,625.00$63,759.42$8,134.42
Galletti, Andrew CPOLICE OFFICERA99161Police Department (161)2008-10-20$63,004.00$71,132.81$8,128.81
Murphy, Todd TPOLICE OFFICERA99194Police Department (194)2008-03-27$65,446.00$73,574.10$8,128.10
Fleming, Brent RPOLICE OFFICERA99125Police Department (125)2008-07-16$63,004.00$71,130.39$8,126.39
Bucknor, Sharon ARECREATION AREA MANAGERA04003R&P-Recreation (003)1986-08-30$57,930.00$66,047.35$8,117.35
Green, Jasmine JPOLICE OFFICERA99349Police Department (349)2005-10-13$66,731.00$74,845.36$8,114.36
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1 ... 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 ... 935

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This is a searchable database of annual salaries and gross pay of Baltimore City employees. To set search parameters, enter an employee name, job title or a range for salary of gross pay. Please enter only letters, numbers and apostrophes in the search fields. Fields may be left blank.
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($900 to $238,772, rounded outward)

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($0 to $235,768, rounded outward)

Range for pay beyond salary:
(-$182,070 to $130,221, rounded outward)


Source: Open BaltimoreView salary archives
In one case, the city’s data inaccurately characterized an employee’s compensation, according to the City Council president’s office. Based on the hourly wage that he receives for part-time work at council meetings, employee Michael Swift’s annual compensation was listed at $187,000. Actually, he makes $5,000.
The city government fiscal year described by these public records stretched from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. The "pay beyond salary" field was calculated by The Sun by automatically subtracting annual salary from gross pay. All other fields were directly released by the the City of Baltimore; records have not been verified on a row-by-row basis by The Baltimore Sun. What might appear to be extremely low salaries may in many cases be hourly rates. Extreme ranges can in some cases be attributed to the hourly rates previously cited and in other rare cases may be attributable to copying errors on the part of individual department staffs. Government officials interviewed for this and previous salary projects say pay that varies from base salary can be attributable to overtime but could also be from promotions, stipends, bonuses, sick leave conversions and/or terminations. Salaries of zero dollars or zero percent may represent multiple scenarios, including contracting relationships and dismissals, respectively. Base-salary figures do not always represent actual salary paid, which can be higher or lower. Because of this, search totals on this user interface do not always balance. In some past salary databasees, accrued leave information was only provided by the employing entity for the year in which an employee retired or resigned his or her post and was paid the accrued value.