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This is a selective archive of public salary information compiled by The Baltimore Sun Media Group over the years. Please choose a data set from the lists below. Keep in mind that not all data sets are directly comparable — for example, one might cover a single fiscal year of official salaries, while another might cover several calendar years of actual pay — including overtime and other changes. BSMG staff makes an effort to be clear about the nature of each data set. See the FAQ for more general information about these archives.

State data

Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2018:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2017:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2016:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2015:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2014:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2013:


Maryland state salary data for calendar year 2012:


Federal data


Social Security Administration (missing certain requested columns) for calendar year 2013:




Annapolis data


Annapolis city salaries as of July 28, 2015:


Anne Arundel County data


Anne Arundel County government employee salaries as of June 2018:


Baltimore data


Baltimore public school salaries from 2014:


Baltimore public-funded salaries from fiscal year 2015:


Baltimore public-funded salaries from 2007, 2008, 2009:


Baltimore public school salaries from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011:


Baltimore County data


Baltimore County public-funded pay info from CY2011 through partial FY2016:


Baltimore County public-funded salaries from 2008, 2009, 2010:


Baltimore County public school salaries from 2009, 2010, 2011:


Have questions about the data? Please see the salary FAQ for possible answers. Looking for newsroom pay scales? See the WBNG contracts page. (Archived versions of some WBNG contracts can also be found here.)